segunda-feira, 15 de junho de 2009

Usategui Curso de Robótica. Mecatrônica Robotica.

Usategui, Jose M. e Gonzales, Rafael.

Curso de Robótica.

Ed. Paraninfo (Madrid),


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Segue livros de interesse comum que poderemos conseguir, caso haja interesse contacte-nos.

Asfahl, C. Ray. Robots and Manufaturing Automation. John Wiley and Sons, 1992.

Craig, John J.. Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control. Addison-Wesley, 1989.

Angeles, Jorge. Fundamentals of Robotic Mechanical Systems: Theory, Methods and Algorithms. Mechanical Engineering Series. Springer, 1997.

Sciavicco, L. e Siciliano, B. Modeling and Control of Robot Manipulators. McGraw-Hill, 1996.

Ferreira, Edson. Robótica industrial e robôs manipuladores. Editorial Lapelusz (Buenos Aires), 1987.

Coiffet, Philippe et al. Robot Technology (7 volumes). Prentice-Hall, 1983.

Usategui, Jose M. Robótica: prática, tecnologia e aplicaciones. Ed. Paraninfo (Madrid), 1986.

RUSSELL, J. Stuart, NORVIG, Peter. Artificial Intelligence: Modern Approach. 1 ed. Prentice Hall, 1995.

J. Norberto Pires, "Automação Industrial" Lidel Lda, 2007

J. Norberto Pires, Springer 2006, "Industrial Robots Programming, Building Applications for the Factories of the Future"

PAUL, R.P., Robot manipulators, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1982;

FU, K.S. et al., Robotics: control, sensing, vision, and intelligence, McGraw Hill, New York, 1987.

NIKRAVESH, P.E., Computer aided analysis of mechanical systems, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1988;

GROOVER, M.P. Industrial Robotics, MacGraw-hill, 1996

GROOVER, M.P. Automation, Production Systems and CIM, Prentice-Hall, 1987

FU, K., Gonzales, R. C., Lee, G. C. S. Robótica. McGraw-Hill, 1989

Niku, S.B. Introduction to Robotics, Prentice-Hall, 2001

ROSÁRIO, J. M. Princípios de Mecatrônica, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005.

SCIAVICCO, L. & SICILIANO, B. - Modeling and Control of Robot Manipulators. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1996.

ASADA, H. & SLOTINE, J.-J.E. - Robot Analysis and Control. New York, Wiley, 1986.

SPONG, M.W. & VIDYASAGAR, M. - Robot Dynamics and Control. NY, Wiley, 1989.

ANDEEN G.B. (Ed.) - Robot Design Handbook. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1988.

SHABANA, A.A. - Dynamics of Multibody Systems. NY, Wiley, 1989.

HOLZBOCK, W.G. - Robotic Technology, Principles and Practice. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1986.

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