La Symétrie du chaos: A la recherche des liens entre mathématiques, art et nature.
Paris: Inter éditions
xii + 218 pp.
1 Introduction à la symétrie et au chaos
2 Les symétries planes
3 La sarabande des motifs
4 Création du chaos et de la symétrie
5 Les icônes symétriques
6 Les couettes
7 Les fractales symétriques
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Outros livros de interesse da área, caso haja interesse contacte-nos.
Jaeger, F. M. (1917) Lectures on the Principle of Symmetry and its Applications in All Natural Sciences, Amsterdam: Elsevier, xii + 333 pp.
Jaskowski, S. (1952) O symetrii w zdobnictwie i przyrodzie,Warszawa: Panstwowe Zaklady Wydawnictw Szkolnych, 168 pp.
Niggli, P. (1941) Von der Symmetrie und von den Baugesetzen der Kristalle, Die Gestalt, Heft 4, Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 64 pp.
Nicolle, J. (1950) La Symétrie et ses applications, With a preface by L. de Broglie, Paris: Michel, 182 pp.
Shubnikov, A. V. (1940) Symmetry (The Laws of Symmetry and Their Application in Science, Technology, and Applied Art), in Russian], Moskva: Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, 176 pp.
Vul'f [Wulff], G. V. (1908) Symmetry and its Manifestations in Nature, Moskva: Sytin, 134 pp.
Weyl, H. (1952) Symmetry, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 168 pp.
Weyl, H. La Simetría, [Series] Colección Interciencia, 5, Buenos Aires: Nueva Vision, 1958, 132 pp.
Wolf, K. L. and Kuhn, D. (1952) Gestalt und Symmetrie: Eine Systematik der symmetrischen Körper, [Gestalt and Symmetry: A Systematic Presentation of Symmetric Bodies, in German], Tübingen: Niemeyer, 64 pp.
Wolf, K. L. and Kuhn, D. Spanish trans., Forma y simetría: Una sistemática de los cuerpos simétricos, Buenos Aires: Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires, 1977, 55 pp.
Hahn, W. Symmetry as a Developmental Principle in Nature and Art, Singpore: World Scientific, 1998, xxi + 510 pp.
Hargittai, I. co-author Hargittai, M., Symmetry through the Eyes of a Chemist, Weinheim [Germany]: VCH, 1986, xii + 458 pp.
Heilbronner, E. and Dunitz, J. (1992) Reflections on Symmetry: In Chemistry ... and Elsewhere, Weinheim [Germany]: VCH and Basel: Helvetica Chimica Acta, vi + 154 pp.
Merle, P. (1955) L'Homme, le rythme et la symétrie, [The Human, the Rhythm and the Symmetry, in French], Paris: Expansion scientifique française, 254 pp.
Nicolle, J. (1955) La Symétrie dans la nature et les travaux des hommes, [Symmetry in Nature and the Works of Humans, in French], [With a preface by L. de Broglie], Paris: La Colombe, 136 pp.
Nicolle, J. (1957) La Symétrie, [Symmetry, in French], Que sais-je?, Le Point des connasissances actuelles, No. 743, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 116 pp.
* 2nd ed., ibid., 1965, 128 pp. [Popular-scientific].
Rohde, G. M. (1982) Simetria: generalidades sôbre simetria, geociências, biociências, ciências exatas, tecnologias e artes, filosofia, Sao Paulo: Hemus, 191 pp.
Rosen, J. (1975) Symmetry Discovered: Concepts and Applications in Nature and Science, Cambridge [England]: Cambridge University Press, xi + 138 pp.
Sheikov, N. Symmetry in Science and Art, New York: Plenum Press, 1974, xxv + 420 pp.
Stewart, I. and Golubitsky, M. (1992) Fearful Symmetry: Is God a Geometer?, Oxford: Blackwell, xix + 287 pp.
Tarasov, L. V. This Amazingly Symmetric World, Moscow: Mir, 1986, 164 pp.
Wade, D. (1993) Crystal and Dragon: The Cosmic Dance of Symmetry and Chaos in Nature, Art and Consciousness, Rochester, Vermont: Destiny Books, 287 pp.
McDowell, R. B. (1994) Symmetry: A Design System for Quiltmakers, Lafayette, California: C and T Publishers, 144 pp.
Waller, M. D. (1961) Chladni Figures: A Study in Symmetry, London: Bell, xxii + 163 pp.
Lockwood, E. H. and Macmillan, R. H. (1978) Geometric Symmetry, Cambridge [England]: Cambridge University Press, x + 228 pp.
Abas, S. J. and Salman, A. S. (1995) Symmetries of Islamic Geometrical Patterns, [With forewords by M. Atiyah and A. Moustafa], Singapore: World Scientific, xxii + 396 pp, 16 color plates.
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