segunda-feira, 28 de junho de 2010

Introduction to Elementary Mathematical Logic Abram Aronovich Stolyar - Exatas IME ITA USP Matematica Logica proposicional Teorema completude etc ...

Introduction to Elementary Mathematical Logic

Abram Aronovich Stolyar


Livro em bom estado de conservação, capa brochura original, coda5b-4x-sb, escasso, não perca, saiba mais...Lucid, non-intimidating presentation of propositional logic, propositional calculus and predicate logic by Russian scholar.

Topics of concern in a variety of fields, including computer science, systems analysis, linguistics, etc.

Accessible to high school students; valuable review of fundamentals for professionals. Exercises. Preface. Three appendices. Indices. Bibliogaphy.

Author's Preface; Introduction I. Propositional Logic 1. Objects and operations 2. Formulas. Equivalent formulas. Tautologies 3. Examples of the application of the laws of the logic of propositions in derivations 4. Normal forms of functions. Minimal forms 5. Application of the algebra of propositions to the synthesis and analysis of discrete-action networks II. The Propositional Calculus 1. The axiomatic method. The construction of formalized languages 2. Construction of a propositional calculus (alphabet, formulas, derived formulas) 3. Consistency, independence, and completeness of a system of axioms in the propositional calculus III. Predicate Logic 1. Sets. Operations on sets 2. The inadequacy of propositional logic. Predicates 3. Operations on predicates. Quantifiers 4. Formulas of predicate logic. Equivalent formulas. Universally valid formulas 5. Traditional logic (the logic of one-place predicates) 6. Predicate logic with equality. Axiomatic construction of mathematical theories in the language of predicate logic with equality Appendix I. A proof of the duality principle for propositional logic Appendix II. A proof of the deduction theorem for the propositional calculus Appendix III. A proof of he completeness theorem for the propositional calculus Bibliography; Index of Special Symbols; Index

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